W sierpniu będę jechać w Bieszczady, pojadę zwiedzić Leżjsk, ponieważ nigdy tam nie byłam. Jak zawszę udamy się nad Solinę aby trochę popływać i zjechać kolejką linową Gondolowa, która ma 1,5 km. Napewno będzie bardzo fajnie. Jeżeli ktoś będzie jechać w Bieszczady to polecam jechać na drezyny rowerowe. Drezyny to takie jakby rowery na szynach szlakiem,którymi kiedyś jechał pociąg. Będę jeszcze jechać do miejscowości Cisna będę tam na super kolejce oraz pójdziemy do restauracji "SiekierZada". Jest to restauracja typowo bieszcacka. Cały wystrój jest mroczny i bardzo klimatyczny, jedzenie jest typowo z kuchni Bieszczadzkiej są np:. Placki po bieszczadzku itp.
To tyle na dziś Bajo!
Hey sticker, it's not too long to end school. It's June already, and the grades are about to be issued. There will be an end to worrying about everything and studying for a long time. I think our efforts will be rewarded with great testimonies and holidays. I am looking forward to them. Right after the end of the school year, at the beginning of July, I'm going with Natalka to a camp in Zakopane. There will be a trip to Rabkoland, and I have never been there before, and we will enter Gubałówka and I think we will have a great time. Hope to get to know some cool people that I will have a lot of fun with. Unfortunately, they will take our phones, it is supposed to show us that there is another world outside the phone (but it doesn't make sense anyway) I'm a bit afraid of it, because what to do between trips?
In August I will go to the Bieszczady Mountains, I will go to Leżjsk, because I have never been there. As always, we will go to Solina to swim a little and go down the Gondola cable car, which is 1.5 km long. It will be very fun for sure. If someone is going to the Bieszczady Mountains, I recommend going on bicycle trolleys. Draisines are like bicycles on rails along the trail used by a train. I will go to the town of Cisna, I will be there on a great queue and we will go to the restaurant "SiekierZada". It is a typically bieszcacka restaurant. The whole decor is dark and very atmospheric, the food is typically from the Bieszczady cuisine, for example: Pancakes after the Bieszczady Mountains, etc.
That's it for today Bajo
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